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    How intelligent is your coupling?

    RFID product line

    Wouldn't it be great if your coupling could protect your brand, minimize misconnections, prolong equipment life and increase efficiency? And what if that could be done with a smart technology like RFID?

    RFID couplings yield powerful new capabilities for reducing your costs and those of your customers, while mitigating risk and honing a competitive edge.

    Intelligent technology allows you to:


    1. Protect your brand
    RFID couplings can verify that only approved products get used with your equipment, eliminating the use of expired, misapplied or inferior alternatives that can compromise performance and threaten reputations. This also reduces your exposure to false warranty claims.

    2. Minimize misconnections
    RFID couplings can help drive human error out of the fluid handling equation by alerting the operator when an incorrect connection is about to be made.

    3. Prolong equipment life
    RFID couplings can protect against the accidental or intentional use of harmful media — such as aftermarket supplies — that could disable or damage equipment.

    4. Increase efficiency
    RFID couplings can eliminate the need for operators to manually record process steps, avoiding potential inaccuracies due to human recording error. They can also speed compliance with electronic recordkeeping requirements, while eliminating the need for file cabinets of written process records.

    About CPC's intelligent technology

    CPC's IdentiQuik® technology is a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system for quick disconnect couplings. A patented design embeds RFID-based electronic intelligence into a variety of our most popular and industry-leading coupling configurations, enabling the exchange of rewritable data once the coupling halves come within a few centimeters of one another.

    IdentiQuik couplings are ideal for applications with a product involving onboard electronics and parts or media that that are consumable or expensive, along with a need to control the process to ensure the use of the right tool at the right time.

    Additional Resources

    White Paper: The Role of Intelligent Connectors
    Article: Communicate Critical Device and Process Data
    Interactive Presentation: Intelligent Fluid Connections

    If you would like to learn more about CPC's intelligent technology OR any of our products, please complete the form, and a CPC representative will be in contact with you.

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