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    Liquid Cooling Connectors for Cloud Computing

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    Available Everywhere

    Cloud computing continues to play an increasing role in IT operations. Network designers and IT professionals look to the cloud because of its proven benefits of improved efficiency, scalability and flexibility. Until recently, implementing cloud technologies was happening gradually. With the increase in remote workforces and IT optimization projects, cloud computing is being deployed as quickly as possible.

    More Heat, More Liquid Cooling

    Demand from users for improved cloud performance means more powerful servers which leads to increased power consumption. Heat dissipation from these extremely dense servers is less efficient in traditional air-cooled systems. To meet budget constraints, lower energy consumption and achieve improved performance, cloud computing providers are turning to more effective liquid cooling.

    CPC Liquid Cooling Couplings are Key Components to Cloud Computing Performance

    Efficient and reliable liquid cooling couplings help cloud computing providers meet the operation and performance challenges they face. Combining decades of experience with an ongoing drive for innovation, CPC’s engineering and application experts understand the complexities of liquid cooling and designed Everis® quick disconnects (QDs). This robust portfolio of liquid cooling QD couplings are purpose built for liquid cooling applications like cloud computing infrastructure systems. 

    Everis Series solutions offer the quick disconnect couplings options you need with features like non-spill shutoff valves and locking hose barb terminations. Everis’ application-specific design and robust testing offer peace of mind as system engineers strive to attain their cloud computing performance objectives.

    How to Choose Liquid Cooling Quick Disconnects

    Look for:

    • Designed for long-term use in connected states
    • High-flow reliability
    • Low pressure drop
    • Features that deliver leak free performance
    • Purpose built for liquid cooling
    • Broad portfolio of sizes, styles, and termination options
    • Engineered and developed by liquid cooling experts


    See Our Liquid Cooling Quick Disconnects

    Insight from CPC's Liquid Cooling Experts

    Check Out How CPC Quick Disconnects Help Liquid Cooling Systems