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    Electrofluidic Quick Disconnect & Couplings

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    CPC IdentiQuik® Connectors Help Redefine Fluid Handling Processes

    Redefine what's possible for controlling, protecting and streamlining fluid handling processes with CPC RFID and electrofluidic quick disconnects and couplings. The IdentiQuik Series leverages RFID technology to not only transfer fluid, but also automatically exchange critical information such as device type, connected media, line connection status, and fluid and product data to help prevent misconnections or to validate process steps. Use this feature to verify machine cycle counts, improve quality control and automatically calibrate dispensing equipment for the fluid being dispensed.

    Product Lines

    Enhance Equipment Design with CPC Electrofluidic Quick Disconnects

    Make the front panel of equipment and devices visually cleaner with electrofluidic quick disconnects. CPC Hybrid Connectors simplify connections that require power, signal, air or fluids with a single easy-to-use connector. They help eliminate misconnections with one integrated connection point to help protect equipment.

    From CPC's Knowledge Center

    RFID Resources from the Knowledge Center