Case Study 使用 DrumQuik PRO 系统简化化学处理 Mauser Packaging Solutions 和 CPC 进行合作,增强了 Mauser 桶的用户友好功能,以实现快速、安全和灵活的桶搬运。
操作条件 (流体传输) 压力: 非连接状态: 真空至 45 psig (3.1 巴) 连接状态: 真空至桶的额定值 温度: 桶塞:-20°F 至 120°F(-20°C 至 49°C) 分配头:HDPE,32°F 至 120°F(0°C 至49°C) 材料 桶塞与插底管: 原生聚乙烯 (HDPE) 运输塞: 原生聚乙烯 (HDPE), FKM 弹簧: 316 不锈钢,Hastelloy® C,原生超高纯聚醚醚酮,包聚乙烯硫醚或聚四氟乙烯 316 不锈钢 (TESS) 密封件: 分配头密封圈:三元乙丙橡胶、氟橡胶、Simriz® 超高纯全氟醚橡胶、氟橡胶 塞口密封圈:聚烯烃、三元乙丙橡胶、氟橡胶 运输塞密封圈:三元乙丙橡胶、氟橡胶 扭矩规格 2" 支墩: 20ft-lbs (27 N m) BCS 56x4: 20ft-lbs (27 N m) 2" NPS (塑料桶): 20ft-lbs (27 N m) 2" NPS (钢桶): 15ft-lbs (20 N m) 运输塞 : 用手拧紧
DQPRO202BUT Drum Insert with 2" American Buttress Thread and EPDM O-Rings (North American Plastic Drums)
DQPRO202BUT202 Drum Insert with 2" Buttress Thread and with FKM (Viton®) O-Rings (North American Plastic Drums)
DQPRO20BCS70202 70mm Thread Drum Insert with FKM (Viton®) Seal for European 70x6 and Asian 70x5 (Plastic Drum)
DQPRO20G2NPSPL Drum Insert with 2" NPS (ISO G2) Thread and EPDM Flat Bung Seal (Plastic Drums and IBC Caps)
DQPRO20G2NPSPL202 Drum Insert with 2" NPS (ISO G2) Thread and FKM (Viton®) Flat Bung Seal (Plastic Drums and IBC Caps)
DQPRO20G2NPSST202 Drum Insert with 2" NPS (ISO G2) Thread and FKM (Viton®) O-Rings (Steel Drums and IBC Caps)
DQPROEUSAMP European Sample Kit, includes BSC 56X4 Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-tube, 3/4 BSPP Coupler with EPDM O-Rings and 316 Stainless Spring
DQPROEUSAMP207 European Sample Kit, includes BSC 56X4 Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-tube, 3/4 BSPP Coupler with FKM (Viton®) O-Rings and Hastelloy C Spring
DQPRONASAMP North American Sample Kit, includes 2" Buttress Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler with EPDM O-Rings and 316 Stainless Spring
DQPRONASAMP207 North American Sample Kit, includes 2" Buttress Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler with FKM (Viton®) O-Rings and Hastelloy C Spring
DQPRONPSPLSAMP Sample Kit, includes 2" NPS (ISO G2) Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler with EPDM Flat Gasket and 316 Stainless Spring
DQPRONPSPLSAMP207 Sample Kit, includes 2" NPS (ISO G2) Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler with FKM (Viton®) O-Rings and Hastelloy C Spring
DQPRONPSSTSAMP Sample Kit, includes 2" NPS (ISO G2) Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler with EPDM Bung O-Rings and 316 Stainless Spring
DQPRONPSSTSAMP207 Sample Kit, includes 2" NPS (ISO G2) Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler with FKM (Viton®) O-Rings and Hastelloy C Spring