Big Change Starts Small with MicroCNX Nano Sterile Connectors

Introducing the world's smallest sterile connector for cell and gene therapy applications. The MicroCNX Nano has the smallest flow path to move cells efficiently, with minimal turbulence and helps reduce holdup volume.

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Big Change Starts Small with MicroCNX Nano Sterile Connectors
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    Single-Use Technology for
    Vaccine Development

    According to many medical professionals, vaccines have had the greatest impact on human health of any medical intervention to date. Vaccines as a group of biologics are often considered to be the lifeline of the human race. 

    With the exception of safe water, no other modality, not even antibiotics, has had such a major effect on mortality reduction...

    S. Plotkin, W. Orenstein, P. Offit, Vaccines (Saunders, Philadelphia, 5th ed. 2008)

    With the number of vaccines currently in development as well as the push for COVID-19 vaccine production, the vaccine market is expected to see significant growth over the next five years. 

    Key Learnings from the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The ability to accelerate the fight against COVID-19 was largely due to the vast knowledge gained from viruses such as MERS, SARS, influenza, HIV and Hepatitis C. For decades, biopharmaceutical companies have made extraordinary advances in science, technology and manufacturing processes of a broad range of vaccines. With the urgent need to stop the coronavirus worldwide, these advances helped put vaccine development and production on the fast track.

    Vaccine Development Prerequisites

    • Safe to use in a variety of patients
    • Not cause disease or induce adverse effects
    • Offer long-term protection
    • Maintain effectiveness even in adverse storage conditions
    • Must be inexpensive to make and buy

    CPC Helps Maintain Safe, Sterile Media Transfer

    With bioprocessing manufacturers’ objectives of providing safe, cost-effective and timely vaccines, CPC’s bioprocessing engineers are intimately familiar with how media transfer connections used in vaccine production help maintain sterility and facilitate greater efficiency within the applications across upstream and downstream workflows. Our team, including materials scientists, design engineers and applications engineers, exclusively focuses on bioprocessing couplings, resulting in a robust portfolio of single-use, sterile connectors, sterile disconnect and open format products expressly for bioprocessing production.

    Single-Use Technologies (SUT) Benefit Vaccine Development

    Like most biologics manufacturing, vaccine development and production are complicated processes. Single-use systems help meet the complex requirements of vaccine development and production in today’s fast-paced environment.

    SUT Benefits

    • Eliminate cross-contamination while keeping aseptic flow path
    • Reduce set-up time facilitates shortened times to market
    • Ease of assembly and quick configuration
    • Facilitate rapid production scale up processes
    • Improve safety with fewer opportunities for operator error

    Using CPC Bioprocessing Couplings for Vaccine Production

    Bioprocessing sterile connections are a key component in media transfer necessary during vaccine development and production. CPC single-use connectors are a flexible, efficient and effective method to allow media to enter or leave a system flow path. The quality of our connectors prevents unwarranted material exchange between the process and the environment.

    AseptiQuik® Sterile Connectors are precision engineered to address challenges faced by media transfer systems used in vaccine production―from ease of use, broad range of configurations, materials and more. To help ensure media is transferred safely within your vaccine bioprocessing applications, CPC AseptiQuik Sterile Connectors are produced in a cleanroom with robust testing and strict manufacturing practices.

    Need to Talk to Someone?

    Our sales team, distributors and applications engineers can collaborate with you to specify, integrate and deploy reliable fluid connectors from CPC to meet your bioprocessing fluid management needs. Find the CPC salesperson or distributor in your region using our convenient locator.

    A Convenient Reference Guide

    The CPC Biopharmaceutical Connection Solutions Product Catalog is a quick reference guide for all of CPC’s biopharma products. 


    Learn More About CPC's Fluid Handling Connectors