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    Better Science Helps Us Build Better Connectors

    Investigating fluid dynamics.

    Not only does CPC have deep expertise in engineering, we are also committed to fundamental scientific investigation. Why? Because this research often directly impacts the design of our valves and fluid connectors. Recently, CPC’s research was published in Langmuir, the American Chemical Society’s journal of interfacial science.

    The published research investigated how liquids spill or drain from fluid handling components. It was found that components with relatively large openings can retain liquids, preventing spillage or drainage. Since spills can cause corrosion or create hazards to people and equipment, understanding this process is important when considering how to best design a valved coupler. To learn more about how this research was conducted, click here and read the complete article.

    If you have any questions about this research or any of our products or technology, please complete the form to connect with a CPC engineer.

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    Chuck Extrand
    Read more posts by Chuck Extrand