Big Change Starts Small with MicroCNX Nano Sterile Connectors

Introducing the world's smallest sterile connector for cell and gene therapy applications. The MicroCNX Nano has the smallest flow path to move cells efficiently, with minimal turbulence and helps reduce holdup volume.

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Big Change Starts Small with MicroCNX Nano Sterile Connectors
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    Scale for the Future

    August 10, 2023


    As cell and gene therapy companies work to deliver life-changing results to as many people as possible, questions about scale loom large.
    Fluid path optimization helps unlock the scaling potential. Aseptic connectors support this goal by eliminating the need for specialized tools and equipment and creating sterile connections even in non-sterile environments.
    In this GEN webinar, our distinguished speaker, Eoin Dolan, will review the topics of process safeguarding, operator convenience, and true scalability solutions, in addition to presenting cost-benefit considerations.

    In this webinar you will learn:

    • A complete and validated method for aseptically connecting most tubing-based operations without biosafety cabinets or capital equipment expenditures.
    • How aseptic solutions support scale-up while addressing misprocessing concerns.
    • The ways in which single-use systems are increasingly being used in cell and gene therapy applications



    Eoin Dolan
    Application Development Manager - Cell and Gene Therapy
    CPC (Colder Products Company)