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How to Download CAD Models

CPC bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, 2D-CAD-, 3D-CAD-Zeichnungen und Produkt-Datenblätter per Download zu erhalten. Registrieren Sie sich ganz einfach mit CPC oder klicken Sie auf PARTcommunity, um Zugang zu den CAD-Downloads und Produkt-Datenblättern zu bekommen.

 Anmerkung: Falls Sie mit einer Version des Internet Explorers arbeiten, müssen Sie u. U. nach dem Registrieren noch einen zusätzlichen Download vornehmen, um das Programm starten zu können. Wenn Sie IE11 nicht laden können, dann verwenden Sie als Browser bitte Chrome oder Firefox.

How to Download CAD Models

Option 1 - Type in a CPC part number here:

    Option 2 - On product pages, follow these steps:

    Step 1

    Becoming a registered user of cpcworldwide.com gives you access to the full features of our site including 3D CAD model viewing and access to specialized content.


    Step 2

    CAD Models are available on individual product pages. To find your connector, find the individual connector under Products or use the site search at the top of the page.





    Step 3

    Look for the '2D/3D/Datasheet' tab above the product specs. The 2D and 3D models are available without an account, but you need an account to download files (see step 4 for download instructions.) A quick preview of the CAD drawing is available under the 3D Model tab (see step 4). You can zoom in and out by clicking on the image and scrolling on your mouse.

    Preview Tabs
    Step 4

    You will have to log in to download files. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in. Select "Generate PDF datasheet" to download a PDF.

    Download and 3D Tab

    You may also choose the format you want to download by 1) clicking "Generate CAD", 2) selecting "Add Format", 3) begin searching for your format and 4) select your desired format to begin generating your file. Please know that you can only generate one format at a time.

    Download and 3D Tab Download and 3D Tab