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Le coupleur Tentube™ offre une connexion rapide et facile pour accoupler dix lignes de fluide séparées. Le Tentube est disponible en passage libre ou en simple obturation, en version traversée de cloison ou en ligne pour un maximum de flexibilité de conception. Le Tentube peut connecter et déconnecter jusqu'à dix lignes à l'aide d'un simple bouton-poussoir. L'orientation des tubes est assurée par un détrompage entre coupleur et embout. Différents fluides et tailles de tubes peuvent être raccordés à l'aide d'embouts en acétal ou en polypropylène existant en trois tailles courantes.
Spec sheet available for download now.
Tentube Coupling Body Without Fitting Inserts
Non-Valved Coupling Body with 1/16 Hose Barb Female Fitting Bodies
Non-Valved Coupling Body with 1/8 Hose Barb Female Fitting Bodies
Non-Valved Coupling Body with 3mm Hose Barb Female Fitting Bodies
Valved Coupling Body with 1/16 Hose Barb Female Fitting Bodies
Valved Coupling Body with 1/8 Hose Barb Female Fitting Bodies
1/16 Hose Barb Non-Valved Fitting Body
1/8 Hose Barb Non-Valved Fitting Body
1/16 Hose Barb Valved Fitting Body
1/8 Hose Barb Valved Fitting Body
3mm Hose Barb Valved Fitting Body
3mm Hose Barb Non-Valved Fitting Body
Tentube Coupling Insert Without Fitting Inserts
Non-Valved Coupling Insert with 1/16 Hose Barb Male Fitting Inserts
Non-Valved Coupling Insert with 1/8 Hose Barb With Male Fitting Inserts
Non-Valved Coupling Insert with 3mm Hose Barb Male Fitting Inserts
1/16 Hose Barb Non-Valved Fitting Insert
1/8 Hose Barb Non-Valved Fitting Insert
3mm Hose Barb Non-Valved Fitting Insert
1/16 Hose Barb Non-Valved Tentube Assembly
1/8 Hose Barb Non-Valved Tentube Assembly
3mm Hose Barb Non-Valved Tentube Assembly
1/16 Hose Barb Valved Tentube Assembly
1/8 Hose Barb Valved Tentube Assembly
3mm Hose Barb Valved Tentube Assembly
Tentube Panel Mount Adapter and Nut
Tentube Tube Shroud